Coding with Jesse

Ezine Articles

I just submitted my first article to I just heard about this site a couple of days ago so I thought I'd try it out. Basically, it's a way to get articles read by a new audience. I won't get paid for it or anything, but ideally people will discover this blog and my writing if my articles get republished in various e-zines or newsletters, etc.

If you do some writing and want to try spreading your articles a bit further, it might be worth looking in to. I'll post again on here if anything incredible comes out of it (though I don't except much yet).

Published on April 28th, 2006. © Jesse Skinner

Help stop phishing

I really hate phishing emails for two reasons. First, they're just more annoying spam in my inbox. Second, I know that some innocent people out there are going to be frauded because of these emails.

Thanks to the Anti-Phishing Working Group, there's something we can do to help stop phishing. And it's really easy too.

The next time you get an email asking you to log in to a banking or credit card site, even if it's from a bank you've never heard of, please report it. You only need to:

  1. Create a new email to [email protected]
  2. Drag and drop the phishing email, so that it gets sent as an attachment. (Don't just forward the email or some of the headers will get lost.)

Even if you forget all this, at least remember that you can always search "report phishing" on Google to find the Anti-Phishing Working Group — right now it's the first result.

Phishing will never go away completely, but the more people that report it, the less victims there will be.

Published on April 26th, 2006. © Jesse Skinner

Your voice

I was worried at first when I started my personal blog. I knew that all my friends and family would be reading it. How would I write a blog post so that it would be suitable for both my grandmother and my long time friends?

I was even more worried when I started this blog. I was going to have some kind of professional persona on top of my personal persona. Now my friends and family could read this site, and strangers and colleagues could read my personal site. How could I possibly express myself consistently to such a wide range of people?!

Well, it turned out to be not a big deal at all. It forced me to do something pretty great: it forced me to be myself. It forced me to be honest and transparent. I can't pretend to be something I'm not, because anybody can call me on it. Not on this site, nor on my personal site.

It took some time to get used to it, I suppose. I shared some things on my personal site I wouldn't normally share with everyone, but afterwards it was totally normal. I've also expressed ideas on here I wouldn't normally talk about with friends and family and I'm glad I've done it.

So when people tell you to "find your voice" when writing, they're not suggesting you try to create a brand new voice. Instead, you need to find your voice, the one true voice inside you, and share it with the world.

Published on April 25th, 2006. © Jesse Skinner

Finding Max and Min

Maybe this is common knowledge to some, but I just figured it out today, so I thought I'd share it.

Before, if I wanted to find the maximum or minimum number in a list of 3 or more numbers, I'd do something like:

max = Math.max(Math.max(Math.max(a, b), c), d);
min = Math.min(Math.min(Math.min(a, b), c), d);

But Math.max and Math.min take as many arguments as you need, so you can do this instead:

max = Math.max(a, b, c, d);
min = Math.min(a, b, c, d);
Published on April 24th, 2006. © Jesse Skinner

Getting Things Done

Productivity is a hot topic these days, so I thought I'd contribute to the ever-growing mountain of hints and tips with a few things you can do to Get Things Done:

  1. Make a to-do list

    Write down a list of all the things you have to do. When you figure out more things to do, just add them to the list. I just use notepad for my list.

  2. Prioritise your list

    You don't actually have to write down the priorities somewhere. It's probably pretty obvious, so you just need to keep it in mind. The key is to do higher priority things first. For example: Finish the project your boss keeps asking about - high priority. Catch up on 2035 unread blog posts - low priority.

  3. Go do the things on your list

    Seriously. Right now. Go do them. Don't even read the rest of this article. Go. Now. Do the dishes, or go back to work, or write that blog post or whatever it is you have to do. I'm not kidding. Close your browser.

  4. Try not to spend 3 hours a day reading productivity tips

    Think of all the things you could get done with the time you spend trying to figure out how to get all these things done. Actually, nevermind, don't think about it.

I hope these tips are useful to you. Actually, if you're reading this far they obviously haven't been. So, seriously, either go back to work or just give up on being productive altogether. Whichever one is fine with me.

Published on April 23rd, 2006. © Jesse Skinner
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